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 Nick Daniels  



The Daniels, Walters, & Irwin Law Firm:

The Daniels, Walters and Irwin Law Firm (DWI for short) is a fake law firm I created for a gallery showing called 'The Museum of Lies and Future Truths' where we were tasked with using design skills to create a believable 'Hoax'

I made two fake degrees (a bachelors degree and a law certificate) that lined up with moments in my life when I could have feasibly attained those degrees. Those along with a fake poster, courtroom photos, and a 30 second advertisement created enough data to make it believably seem as though I was a lawyer.  

Photography by: MT Comerate

Product Advertising: 64-1 Snake Oil

Dr. Daniels' All Purpose All Natural Synthetic Snake Oil is a fictional 64-1 hygiene and household cleaning product. 

Meant to be a parody of modern hygiene products that combine so many different uses that cannot possibly be combined together without diminishing returns.

Photos attached include all logo designs involved, lifestyle photos, packaging design, product mock-ups, and selected pages from the Snake Oil style guide.

WARNING: Do NOT get this product in your eyes

American Museum of Natural History Redesign

In the attempt to create a type system and put some typography skills to the test I decided to re design the American Museum of Natural Histories logo and make some posters for the new brand design.

The following includes 3 posters for The Butterfly Vivarium at The AMNH along with new logos and all variations of them as well as mock ups and selected images from the style guide.

Nature Conservancy Logo Redesign:

The Nature Conservancy is a Non Profit organization dedicated to helping the environment. Upon looking at their website I noticed they had 3 main goals.

1- Stop Climate Change

2- Keep Wildlife Safe

3- Give Fresh Food and Water to those in need.

This equaled out to Prevent, Protect and Provide respectively. Using those 3 main goals I designed 3 Dynamic logos for The Nature Conservancy to use to highlight their goals.

(I was not hired by The Nature Conservancy I simply did this of my own free will in my spare time)